Author page: Gayle Tucker

A Methodist, a Congregationalist, and a Baptist Walk into a City Council Meeting…

A Methodist, a Congregationalist, and a Baptist Walk into a City Council Meeting… Rev. Tim Schaefer, First Baptist Church – Madison It’s not the beginning of joke; it’s the beginning of a story about local clergy engaging in an act of public theology and community advocacy. It’s a story about justice, courage, and holy imagination. This story began with an…

Examen…Your Government

Examen…Your Government

How to use Examen…Your Government: Find a group of 2-3 people that will do this practice together. Pick a level of government that you want to attend – school boards, city councils, county boards, or even state level. Note: while we suggest attending in person, many of these meetings have online options and using the online option may make them…

Clergy Civic Engagement: Offering Supportive Presence Amidst Division and Controversy

Clergy Civic Engagement: Offering Supportive Presence Amidst Division and Controversy Rev. Dr. Matthew L. Sauer, Manitowoc Cooperative Ministry Over the past year, the Manitowoc Public School District’s Board of Education has become more agenda-driven as it has reviewed policies, particularly those that limit discussion on “controversial topics” and those that address trans rights. Recently, Gays Against Groomers, a national group…

Preaching with a Heart in My Pocket

Preaching with a Heart in My Pocket Rev. Kerri Parker, Executive Director   During Holy Week, I had an opportunity to join the Greater Milwaukee Synod ELCA for the Chrism Mass, where participants renewed their baptismal promises and rostered leaders renewed their ordination vows. Since Bishop Erickson had invited me to preach, it was an early morning making my way…

Offering Hospitality During the Election Season

Offering Hospitality During the Election Season While churches are typically most used on Sunday mornings, many of our buildings are valuable assets for the entire community and provide services throughout the week. One way that churches help their communities is by opening their doors during elections and serving as a polling location. If you are interested in offering your building…

Understanding Proposed Amendments to the Wisconsin Constitution in a Faith Context

Understanding Proposed Amendments to the Wisconsin Constitution in a Faith Context by Doug Poland, partner at Stafford Rosenbaum LLP, Ruling Elder at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison Wisconsin voters who cast ballots in the Spring Election on April 2, 2024, will be confronted with two questions on their ballot that, if they receive a majority of “yes” votes, will amend…

Black History Month

My Thoughts on Black History Month as a Black Woman Angela Hicks, Small Metro Field Coordinator, WCC Community Health Program So, you decided to celebrate us; joy does not come from within. You are either my foe or my friend. So, we have the shortest month to celebrate; should we jump up and down and cheer? Where should the celebration…

WCC Strongly Encourages Masking — Again

WCC Strongly Encourages Masking — Again The Wisconsin Council of Churches strongly encourages congregations to return to using masks in worship and other gatherings. The current wave of COVID and other respiratory virus infections calls for increased caution and use of mitigation strategies. By some of the best measures available, we are in the second-highest COVID surge after the Omicron…

Taking a Faithful Stand for Equity

Taking a Faithful Stand for Equity

The next meeting of Taking a Faithful Stand for Equity will be Tuesday, November 14, 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. We are delighted to welcome Professor Gloria Ladson-Billings who will speak on: “Oh, No!  Not CRT!! Undoing Distortions and Misinformation” Professor Ladson-Billings is a nationally renowned expert on Critical Race Theory, and on how to teach in culturally diverse classrooms, with a…