Author page: breanna

Tell the Truth about Mental Health and Gun Violence

Tell the Truth about Mental Health and Gun Violence

Tell the Truth about Mental Health and Gun Violence Rev. Libby Howe, Congregational Support Coordinator for Peace & Justice Ministries May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I have a mental illness. Along with me, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 in 5 Americans can say the same thing. Except for the occasional violent thought toward a dangerous driver that puts…

WCC Justice and Witness Coordinator Dr. Peter Bakken to Retire After 18 Years

WCC Justice and Witness Coordinator Dr. Peter Bakken to Retire After 18 Years Honoring His Contributions to Advocacy and Civic Engagement With joy for a longtime colleague and his family and gratitude for his ministry among us, we announce the upcoming retirement of Dr. Peter Bakken, the Justice and Witness Coordinator for the Wisconsin Council of Churches. Let us soften…

Madison Safe Surrender Events

Madison Safe Surrender Events

Madison Safe Surrender Events The United States has a gun problem because so many people have been duped into believing guns will make us more safe by those who stand to profit from gun sales. We are joining with churches across the country to dismantle unwanted firearms. We believe as a church, we can affirm Isaiah’s call to beat our swords…

Injustice in Action: Hasty Passage of Bills that Affect the Most Vulnerable

Injustice in Action: Hasty Passage of Bills that Affect the Most Vulnerable

Injustice in Action: Hasty Passage of Bills that Affect the Most Vulnerable Dr. Peter Bakken, Justice and Witness Coordinator “…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12:31 As Christians, we seek to follow Jesus’ way of equity and grace for all of God’s beloved children. Loving God, we care for neighbors not only through acts of…

Preventing Deaths from Gun Violence Using the Swiss Cheese Model

Preventing Deaths from Gun Violence Using the Swiss Cheese Model

Preventing Deaths from Gun Violence Using the Swiss Cheese Model Rev. Daniel Schultz, WCC Community Health Program Director The vast majority of gun-related injuries and deaths in the United States do not involve mass shootings. But tragedies such as the recent shootings in Nashville put the phenomenon of gun violence in sharp focus. The WCC has long engaged the issue of gun violence. In…

Resisting and Refuting Antisemitism

Resisting and Refuting Antisemitism By: Rev. Libby Howe, Congregational Support Coordinator for Peace & Justice Ministries On March 12, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Milwaukee released its “2022 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents,” indicating the 7th consecutive year of elevated incidents. The audit reports a 6 percent rise in incidents between 2021-22, part of a 494 percent rise since 2015. The report…

Unto Stardust

Unto Stardust

Unto Stardust: A Lenten Prayer Space for Pastors who have been Burned February 28, 2:00pm, online Were your church plans upended by stormy weather again on Ash Wednesday? Are you feeling burned up, burned out by the strains of pastoring over the past few years? Seen too much toxicity and struggling with questions of welcome? Musing about exit from heartbreaking institutions? Have an…