Why Are We So Divided and What Can We Do About It?
April 25 & May 2nd, 2:00pm CST

You can watch the first part of the webinar here and it’s not too late to register to attend the second session on May 2nd (see below).

The Wisconsin Council of Churches is excited to partner with the Carter Center for a conversation about polarization in the United States. In this two-part webinar, Nathan Stock, Associate Director with the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program, will explore drivers of polarization, while also sharing suggestions for addressing partisan differences in our personal relationships and our communities. These one-hour webinars will be recorded if you are unable to make one or both of the live events.


About our Presenter
Nathan Stock is an Associate Director with the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program. Since the Summer of 2020, Stock has been leading a new Carter Center project designed to mitigate political and identity-based violence in the U.S. He is also a Non-Resident Scholar with the Middle East Institute. Stock has 15 years of experience working to reduce violence and strengthen democracy abroad, including nearly a decade working on Middle East conflicts with The Carter Center. He has lived and worked in Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, and China. Stock holds an MA in international peace and conflict resolution from American University and a BA in international relations from Colgate University.

About our moderator

Rev. Kerri Parker (she/her) has served as the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Council of Churches since 2017. During her tenure, the Council has become known nationwide for its leadership in faith-based COVID19 response and interfaith collaborations for civic engagement and racial equity.

Rev. Kerri Parker preaching

Her professional background includes serving as local church pastor and YWCA executive. Rev. Parker has been a panelist and keynote speaker for presentations on COVID ministry, ecumenism and church vitality, and biblical justice, and preaches widely around Wisconsin. She is pursuing a DMin in Prophetic Leadership at Iliff School of Theology. Rev. Parker’s ministerial standing is in the Southwest Wisconsin Association of the United Church of Christ.

Note: Space may be limited

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