Pastor-Prophet-Priest: The Shifting Landscape of Pastoral Vocation and Identity 

Come to explore the theological implications and practical realities of pastoring during this erratic cultural moment.

Come willing to listen, share, and discern how God is shaping and reshaping you for life and service in a time such as this. 

Come open to receiving encouragement and hope. 

Come eager to practice and experience grace. 

For pastors and those serving as pastors in any/all ministry settings.

Starting April 28 at 10am  *After that the participants will decide on a time that works best for all, meeting once a week for 6 weeks. Groups will be limited to 6-8 participants to promote inclusive, substantive dialogue and prayer. 

Led by Pastor Libby Howe, WCC Congregational Support Coordinator for Peace and Justice Ministries, using a combination of the tools of coaching and Martin Luther’s Mutual Conversation and Consolation practice. 

Register Here

No cost.

For further questions email Pastor Libby Howe