What does a Congregational Support Coordinator for Peace and Justice Ministries Do?

What does a Congregational Support Coordinator for Peace and Justice Ministries Do?
Hi! I’m Pastor Libby Howe, and I’m excited to be working with the Wisconsin Council of Churches in a new position called Congregational Support Coordinator for Peace and Justice Ministries. This position was created to respond to the current realities many congregations and leaders are experiencing such as:
      • burnout and isolation among clergy and volunteers
      • political polarization in our communities
      • growing economic insecurity
      • anxieties about the future sustainability of congregations

Using nearly 2 decades of experience in parish and judicatory work, and a unique combination of skills related to strategic planning, conflict resolution, spiritual direction, community organizing, and coaching, I am here to help congregations and leaders face these challenges head-on. I am committed to doing this in a way that values the image of God in all people and names the ways individual life experiences shape the assumptions and decisions we make. I intend to do this work following the example of Jesus who acted Compassionately, not ignoring the pain of others, Collaboratively, inviting diverse others into friendship with him, and Contextually, responding differently to the particularities of places, people and situations.

What might you invite me to do?
      • Preach in your congregation/ministry…bring a word of challenge and encouragement
      • Lead an educational series on a variety of topics using a variety of methods
      • Engage a conversation about a particular justice issue or topic
      • Bring differing perspectives together for constructive discussion on a divisive subject
      • Begin a coaching relationship or connect you to a coach who can walk alongside you
      • Build coalitions among ministries from various traditions for community engagement
      • Consult with your outreach/peace & justice ministry team to discern next steps
      • Help you find partners and resources for the ministries you are called to
      • Or maybe something else you can imagine!
I currently offer this workshop/educational series:
From the Boxing Ring to the Baptismal Font (registration opening soon)
The politics of our time have pulled Christians of all stripes into toxic, adversarial relationships. Instead of living as siblings in Christ, united in baptism, we have believed the lie that the only way to discuss politics and act for justice is to win the argument and demonize the other side. The alternative is to avoid it altogether, and sadly, many do. But both approaches are unfaithful, destroy communities and families, and do nothing to create a more just world. Come to this workshop to help reframe and reorient our discourse and actions in a way that reflects both the gentle compassion and the courageous boldness of Jesus.
Under development are educational modules that will explore the following topics:
      • The inextricable link between working for justice and being a healthy congregation
      • Thinking about clergy wellness through a justice lens
      • Is there a difference between Biblical justice and Social justice?
      • What lay people wish their pastors knew about them
      • What pastors wish laypeople knew about them
      • Why justice is more important than being nice: A biblical and theological perspective
Starting in April (after Easter) – Pastor-Prophet-Priest:
A pilot group coaching cohort and conversation around pastoral identity, vocation, and public witness. Watch WCC publications for more information. Let us know NOW if you may be interested in participating.
Are you wondering about the cost? We will figure that out together. Please know that the WCC is committed to providing accessible and affordable high quality, helpful resources for all of our churches and leaders.
So what could this mean for you? Has something I mentioned piqued your interest? If so, please connect with me, and I will listen to you. Together, we will imagine a way forward.
Peace be yours.
Pastor Libby