The WCC Annual Meeting will be held on Zoom, Tuesday December 8, 2020

There will be brief breaks between program elements to allow time for participants to enter/exit the meeting.
It wouldn’t be a church meeting without time to get coffee or tea between sessions!

8:45 am – Chat open for conversation
9:00 am – Morning Prayer
9:15 am – Business Meeting*
10:30 am- Keynote with Q&A: Reconcilation and Repair, Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs

12:00 pm- Lunch Break

1:00 pm – COVID and the Sacraments in Wisconsin Churches – Speakers from a variety of our member traditions discuss how their theology and practice has been challenged and shaped in the time of COVID.

2:00 pm – A Conversation with Today’s Speaker
Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs will host an additional time of discussion about his morning’s keynote topic.

3:00 pm – Bridging Faiths for a Stronger Democracy: A Report from the Field.
Dr. Peter Bakken and Rabbi Bonnie Margulis share updates from organizers, poll chaplains, and post-election trainings. Learn more about what people of faith are doing (and can do) from a nonpartisan perspective to support a healthy, participatory democratic process. There are still critical dates between now and Inauguration Day in which your voice is needed.

*Voting delegates will receive an additional link with their credentials, and should ensure that they are able to have two windows open, or the meeting open on one device while ready to vote using an app on phone or tablet. Details for formal business will be provided the week before the meeting.

About our Keynote Speaker, Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs

Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs is a member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation, an American Indian tribe located in central Wisconsin. He has degrees in Pastoral Studies and Christian Theology and has served various churches as youth minister, adult Christian educator, and director of Men’s Ministries.

Presently he is parish associate at Church of All Nations Presbyterian Church. He is a cultural facilitator in the Twin Cities and works to raise the public’s awareness of American Indian causes and injustices. He is founder/convener of “Healing Minnesota Stories,” an initiative dedicated to creating events of dialogue, education, and healing, particularly within faith communities.

Rev. Jacobs is currently the Director of Racial Justice for the Minnesota Council of Churches.

Please join us! Delegate or visitor, member or friend of the Council,
Let us be the church together, wherever we are.
Click here to register.