Tag: COVID-19



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 6, 2020 CONTACT:     The Rev. Kerri Parker, Executive Director, Wisconsin Council of Churches                      608-837-3108 x 25; execdir@wichurches.org CHURCHES URGED TO RETURN TO PHYSICALLY DISTANCED MINISTRY STATEWIDE – The Wisconsin Council of Churches recommends that churches statewide return to remote operations as the COVID-19 crisis deepens in Wisconsin. While today’s state Executive Order to limit indoor…

Returning to Church: July 2020 Recommendations

Returning to Church: July 2020 Recommendations

Given the accelerated spread of COVID-19 in Wisconsin, lack of a coordinated statewide response, and requests from churches around the state for updated information, Wisconsin Council of Churches staff has prepared a critical midyear Returning to Church update. We’ve been gathering a great deal of information to inform these latest recommendations. Here’s the brief summary: Current conditions of COVID spread…

Pastoral Transitions in the Age of COVID-19

Pastoral Transitions in the Age of COVID-19

While safety concerns due to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to restrict face-to-face interactions, regular transitions in our lives and in the lives of congregations continue to take place. Pastors retire, discern and accept new calls, and congregations receive new pastors. In this period when physical distancing is a factor and congregational life looks very different than it did when many…

Response to WI Supreme Court Ruling

Wisconsin Council of Churches Response to State Supreme Court Ruling FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 13, 2020Contact:  Rev. Kerri Parker, (608) 290-6113, execdir@wichurches.org SUPREME COURT NOT THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY FOR CHURCH DECISIONS ON WHEN TO GATHER (STATEWIDE) – The decision of Wisconsin’s Supreme Court in Wisconsin Legislature vs. Palm late this afternoon was disappointing, but not unexpected.  It was clear from…

Church Music in the Age of COVID-19

Church Music in the Age of COVID-19

There seems to be ample evidence to suggest that singing creates a quantity of fine aerosols that can stay suspended in the air for long periods of time, move with air currents, and stay infectious for many hours, exposing virtually everyone in a building. Our sources strongly recommend against singing indoors in public until a vaccine is widely available and widely used. For similar reasons, the use of wind instruments should also be avoided.