Awaken Dane

Awaken Dane

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said,
“Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.”
Genesis 28: 16

Awaken Dane is a response to the deep conviction that God is in this place; Dane County is a place where God is on the move. That means God is inviting the church (and churches) of this place to awaken to God’s presence and to discern God’s call to mission. In the midst of a challenging and disorienting season for the church in the US, we believe the way forward is together –  for churches to commit to discerning God’s call together.  We believe the path forward for the church in our post-Christian soil runs through local, ecumenical kinship, discernment and collaboration. Awaken Dane is how we’re attempting to support the church and churches of Dane County for that journey.

Awaken Dane emerged from friendship, dreaming and collaboration among leaders of Wisconsin Council of Churches, Collaboration Project, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and Upper House

You can read more about how this exciting initiative was funded from Lilly Endowment here.

Through Awaken Dane, as many as 40 congregations of diverse Christian traditions will participate in a cohort experience intended to awaken us to God’s call, form life-giving friendships and partnerships, and fuel our love and understanding of the place where we abide.

Applications for the 2022-2024 cohort are due by May 24th, or until the cohort is filled.

To learn more about Awaken Dane, please visit our website at