Testimony on Senate Bill 822, Concealed Weapons in Places of Worship

On Thursday, February 20, 2020, the Wisconsin Council of Churches’ Justice & Witness Coordinator, Dr. Peter Bakken, submitted testimony regarding Senate Bill 822, and registered our opposition. This legislation would allow a person who has a license to carry a concealed weapon to bring a firearm into a place of worship, even if that place of worship is located on school grounds.

In the introduction to his testimony, he wrote: “Fundamental to our opposition is the conviction that our places of worship must be true sanctuaries: places of peace, reconciliation, and hospitality. As followers of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, our churches witness to the faith that the solution to violence is not the threat of more violence. Our congregations live out their belief that there are more loving, creative and intelligent ways to seek safety and security.”

Link to Dr. Bakken’s testimony: